Sunday, April 22, 2007


Have you ever noticed that certain words always seem to go with other words? Despite the fact that a word has its own independent meaning, some words seem to be inextricably attached to others.

For example, I challenge you to use the word 'fraught' without continuing on to say 'with danger' or 'with peril'. Do it without sounding awkward or forced. Once you've done that, try 'Duly' without 'noted'. I can't think of a common usage, thought the dictionary suggests some that I've never heard.

A recent home teaching visit brought to light another one. This young lady is getting married shortly, and as we left my companion said "Good luck with finals. Oh, and good luck with the impending marriage." Impending marriage? Doesn't the word 'impending' usually bring along words like 'doom' or 'destruction'?

Heh. I like it.


ahem. said...

I’ve noticed it with the word heinous.

Krebscout said...

chagrin! I dare you to do something not to somebody's chagrin!

Anonymous said...

Only I possess the sheer might necessary to use "the" without a noun or nominal phrase following.

The able to shoulder the world ...on his shoulders,
Little Pete