Friday, August 03, 2007


I was talking with a friend today and the name "Amber" was mentioned. I decided that I think it's a pretty name, and if I were the type to keep a notebook of potential names for children, I'd write it in there. I'm not that type, but it dawned on me that the name would be quite appropriate, since it's also a color. It then became my quest to find other colors that could also be used as real names. I figure if I'm going to have children, I might as well continue the family tradition.

So far, I've got:

  • Amber
  • Violet
  • Lavender
If we include fictional characters, we can add
  • Peach (As in "Princess")
  • Scarlet (As in "Miss")
These are all female names. So either I need some male names, or I'm only allowed to have female children. Any suggestions?


Chillygator said...

You could name a baby Cyan. That could be fun. Jade or Ruby. Those are normal. Cocoa could be interesting. Sienna, maybe?

I think the goal for you would be not to have sons.

Krebscout said...

I've heard Scarlet all over the place, but I've only heard of Lavender in Harry Potter, and maybe Matilda.

There are also multiple male and female characters named Red, Claire is French for clear, and Yellow is Spanish for your mom.

The Chalice of Evil said...

What about Kelly (as in, kelly green)? Heck, you could even be mildly unconventional and name a boy that.

If you want a constantly mispronounced and misspelled, vaguely pretentious sounding name, you could always go with Chartreuse.

Whatever you do, please promise me that you'll never name a child Puce.

Brooklyn said...

Mahogany would be good, though. As in, hand-carved.

UK said...

this reminds me of a book from elementary school, amber brown is not a crayon. anyone else read it?

Harper said...

I personally know a man named Blue.

Blue Flores, to be exact.

He's a mere bunch of blue flowers.