Wednesday, July 25, 2007

NEWSFLASH: Harry Potter invades everyday life

The other day while I was feeling gross and sick and unwell, I decided that fruit juice of some kind would be a good idea. Vitamin C is supposed to be good for your immune system or something, right? So I opened up the freezer and found a can of frozen "Dole Orange Strawberry Banana" juice concentrate.

In my mind, I immediately saw Hermione Granger swishing her wand toward an empty glass and chanting Orangius Strawberius Bananum.*

It didn't work.

*Yes, I'm quite aware that magically creating food is one of the five exceptions to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration and as such is quite impossible. I still thought it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You are my favorite.

- Niffler