Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Sir, we have engaged the opposition

So I was over at Johanna Von Bigenstrien's place the other night playing games with a few of the neighbors. First we played Taboo. For those who haven't experienced it, Taboo is a game in which you have to get your team to guess a certain word by describing it. You are not allowed to use certain related words, and gestures are likewise forbidden. As there is also a time limit, the describer sometimes gets rather flustered, which results in hilarity. Everyone had all sorts of fun.

As the night progressed, a few of the neighbors had to leave. The group slowly shrank until just Johanna, A Charitable Ditz, Quandary, and myself were left. Realizing that we were all of the Board persuasion, we began entertaining ourselves as only Board Writers can. From holding hands to holding feet, from teaching Johanna about Rubik's Cubes to playing Little-Mermaid-splashes-on-the-big-rock with a finger puppet to knocking on hips, all craziness broke loose. At one point I mentioned that I was hoping to get a date for an upcoming event. This, of course, led to a discussion of those we know who are setting dates. (See posts from from August for more on that.) Then the following conversation ensued:

Yellow: Maybe I should just set a date.
Charitable Ditz: Maybe you should! Just, like, pick an arbitrary date!
Yellow: Okay. How's April 3, 2009? Charitable Ditz, will you marry me on April 3, 2009?
Charitable Ditz: Okay! Sure!

So there it is. I'm engaged. She later told me that my proposal was very romantic. And if April 3 falls through, we have contingency plans for Pi Day. That's 3/14/15, 9:26:53, nearest temple to 58° S 97° W. (That's Perth Australia. The Regina Saskatchewan and Edmonton Alberta temples in Canada were slightly closer to 58° N 97° E, but Australia's just so much more exotic.) At the wedding reception we'll have pie laid out in non-repeating sequences in place of cake, and since Pi day is of course non-repeating, every 22 of July (that would be 22/7, the smallest fraction close to pi,) we'll celebrate our pinniversary.

See guys? It's not so hard!


Anonymous said...

Oh Yellow, I simply can't wait for the day tee hee! I just think you're like, the bestestest ever!!! *sigh* I just hope that we can be the greatest of married people forever.

I also want a kangaroo...or a kanga and little roo! lol

Your Charitable Ditz ;)

Unknown said...

I'd heard rumors about you two, but it turns out the truth is even more fantastic. Pity I couldn't have been there.

Emily said...

Mmm. Pie.

ahem. said...

That is absolutely hilarious! Be sure to send me and invite (I can only imagine how awesome it will be)!

Brooklyn said...

But the question is....what kinds of pie?

Corona4456 said...

Congrats! Gives me enough time to umm... save up to buy you a wedding gift... hehe :).

Anonymous said...

Rather than hilarity ensuing...many of us have anger and rage ensue when playing Taboo.