Saturday, October 07, 2006

Things that make me happy

As the astute reader might note, this entry is all about things that make me happy. Learning to take pleasure in the simple joys of life is probably one of the most important things I've learned to do in my life.

However, before I get to that, I'd just like to mention a something that doesn't make me happy.

  • People that bring freshly-popped popcorn to class. Honestly, people. I don't mind if you snack on fruit snacks, nuts, carrots, or chocolate. But popcorn? Do you not notice that it makes the rest of us salivate? Definitely does not make me happy.
Anyway, on to the things that make me happy. I've had a very stressful and busy couple of days, and finding little things like these is a great way to relieve the stress.
  • Seeing "100%" next to my Student ID on the Testing Center monitors makes me happy. Nevermind that the 100% only applied to 38% of the test, 100 is a happy number.
  • Attending the BYU Devotional and hearing Jon Schmidt live while watching a very well-performed dance makes me happy. I've been talking about it ever since. It makes me happy.
  • Having good friends makes me happy. Joining the Board has turned out to be a very Good Thing for me this year. Since many of my previous friends are now married, (see previous posts for more information,) I'd been left largely without day-to-day entertainment. Uffish Thought, Novel Concept, Lavish, Optimistic., and others have been a marvelous help in that regard. They make me happy.
Well, there you have them. My three latest reasons to be happy. There may be another one in the makings as well, but only time will tell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ummmm-popcorn, that sounds like a good deal to me: next time turn around and say "Pass it on up here buddy!"