Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Why my brother is awesome

My brother is, without question, the most amazingly cool kid on the face of the planet. He's currently serving a mission in southern Brazil and, like most missionary families, we receive e-mails from him more or less weekly. Usually they're quite focused on the missionary work, but this last week's e-mail also included a brief look into P-Day life. I quote:

And now for a P-day report. Well, they dont have legos down here in Brazil so I am out of luck. At least I thought so. Then I found a flashlight that uses a solar panel to charge the battery and two broken cellphones in the office. I cut the phones up today and got the little vibrating motors out. Then I broke the flashlight in half to get the solar panel out. And after a couple of hours cutting up erasers for wheels and wiring everything together, I made a solar hotwheels car that really works. I put it out in the sun and the two wheels in the front just start to turn. When the sun goes behind a cloud and the car doesnt have power, I just pull out a mirror and shine more sun on it to go faster. Isnt that awesome. Its almost better than legos. And it doesnt use any batteries. Anyways, I thought that you guys might think that was pretty cool.
That is why my brother is awesome.


Corona4456 said...

That IS awesome! Heh... he should definitely take video footage. I'd be interested in seeing this solar powered hot wheels car :).

Chillygator said...

What a sweet p-day activity. Wow.

Harper said...

That's awesome.

The elders in my area used to kill squirrels with wrist rockets and perform subsequent rites of taxidermy.

Gotta love Indiana.

Anonymous said...

Lol Yellow!

You are right, your brother is awesome.