Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Dear world,

I love the snow. As I wandered out to my kitchen at 7:55 AM today, I glanced out the window. It's been so bitterly cold without any fun weather for much too long, so when I saw snow falling from the sky in a veritable snow shower, I was really excited. As in, I did a little dance of joy right there in my kitchen.

I am so excited.



bismark said...

i hate you for sleeping in...

SkyBluePink said...

Dear Yellow,

You are crazy! ;)

The World

Krebscout said...

I saw the snow and I thought, "Yellow will be so happy."

And both of those things made me happy.

Heather said...

We've been having that whole, "bitterly cold but no fun weather" thing, too. I keep saying I wish it would snow so there would be a reason for the cold!

Jump around in it a bit for me, will you?

Brooklyn said...

K, so, the snow is not really a thing anymore. Today it is raining.

My vote: new post.

Katria said...

It has been a long time since January. But now there is snow again.