Sunday, September 17, 2006

Late Night Special

The other night my friend Lanora and I went over to Lavish's place to watch "Remember the Titans" with a group. I really think it's one of the best sports-centered movies ever made. It's exciting, touching, meaningful, funny, insightful, and powerful all at the same time without feeling forced. The experience, of course, was only made better by Lavish's excellent hosting skills.

Afterward, we pulled out Scattergories and began playing. Since there were 11 in attendance at that point, we played in teams of two. (Quandary played on his own.) You know how things get funnier in proportion to how tired you are? Well, Duchess and dimmi demonstrated this principle to great effect. Lanora and I spent most of the night laughing at their incessant giggles every time their turn to share came around.

For those who don't know, Scattergories is a game in which you are given a list of categories, an alphabet-die is rolled, and everyone competes to produce unique words matching each category beginning with the rolled letter. Hilarity ensues.

  • Excuses for being late: Hit by a car, Halitosis, and Hellfire (I'm sorry, teacher. I ran into some hellfire on the way to class.)
  • Round: Jewels and Jay Leno. (Poor guy. How would you like to get the first thing we think of when we hear "round"?)
  • Bodies of water: Jordanelle Reservoir, Jacuzzis. (Jacuzzis... they've got bodies and water!)
  • Bad Habits: Kicking cats and Killing your sister (Response by dimmi: "How many sisters do you have to kill to make it a habit?")
But the ultimate answer of the night came from dimmi:
  • Weapons: Jackhammers. (NEVER get dimmi mad at you.)


erin said...

That was great. Thanks for posting the recap on that. :)

Corona4456 said...

That was pretty funny. We've had games like that in Scattergories. When you get tired and delirious you can definitely count on the most random and creative answers. :)

Krista said...

Man, I always leave too early, or don't try hard enough to make it to these things. Perhaps if I purchase a jackhammer, this problem will solve itself. Yesssssssss.

Nectar said...

We like watching "Remember the Titans." However, my wife can't help making certain comments about the movie whenever we watch it. You, see, she went to Marshall High School at the time of the story. Marshall High School, you will remember, is the arrogant "all white" high school defeated in the final game of the movie.

I hear, "Those are not the right colors for the school!" and so forth. But her favorite is, "Marshall was already integrated at that time. They already had black athletes." Conclusion: they've taken a lot of liberties with the truth.

Still, I like the movie.

Brooklyn said...

Holy crap. That is marvelous. I had forgotten about the jackhammer....but I would have to agree with the hosting skills. we put away a lot of candy.