Monday, September 04, 2006

Are you my friend?

Over Labor Day weekend, my family went camping in the mountains of Central Utah. Every year, we go with a few neighbors to spend the weekend in the mountains, relax, and enjoy each other's company. The group grows every year as the young married couples bring new children, "significant others" are invited, and new families are invited. We had a great time.

Since we had a member of our Stake Presidency there, we were able to hold our own Sunday meetings up in the mountains. I was asked to give a brief talk, so about an hour before the meetings started, I wandered away from the rest of the camp to ponder what I should share.

We had a number of horses up at the camp, and I found myself near the horses. A few of the youngest children (ages 2-4) were nearby, trying to throw a frisbee to each other. As I was watching them, the cutest little two-year-old girl looked up at me and asked,

"Are you my friend?"

I just couldn't help smiling. I told her that Yes, I was her friend. For the rest of the weekend, she would run up to me and say "Friend, come play with us!" or "Friend, hold this."

It was the cutest thing ever.


N.F. said...

When she saw you giving your talk, she probably said to her parents, "That's MY friend!"

Corona4456 said...

Sometimes kids do the darndest things :). Life's brought me a lot of surprises with my little one already. I'm sure there are still a lot more in store... let's just hope the good out weight the bad :).

Unknown said...

YAY! I'm commenting!

There is an obvious and severe lack of your pigment on the 100 Hour Board lately.

Whatcha gonna do about that?

Anonymous said...

Are you my friend?

Because I am yours.